Friday, December 7, 2012

How to Improve the Trust of Your List and Double Your Profits

As an Email list marketer, your income generation comes as a result of recommending products to your list. But does your list know and trust you enough to listen to you and act on your recommendations?

Well, I have 3 tips here for you to help you improve the trust of your subscribers enough to buy everything you recommend.

Set up an autoresponder series of at least 7-12 emails. You can't build a relationship if you never contact your subscribers. That's why you should set up an initial series of at least 7-12 emails. These emails should be written around the topic of your main product or niche. They are intended to educate the subscriber about the subject you are writing about and to make position you as the person to lookup to for advice in this niche. Over time the subscribers start to feel like they know and trust you enough to buy something from you.

Solve your subscriber's problems. Your goal is to make money. But your primary goal should be to solve your subscribers' problems. Do that; and the money comes naturally. Seek to understand as many problems as possible in your chosen niche that people are looking to solve and provide answers to them. Use your knowledge or prior research into the subject to find these problems and the answers thereto. It is such solutions that your subscribers are most interested in. Give them genuine answers to their problems and they will want to buy everything you offer thereafter.

Get interactive. A newsletter is monologue. That's a one-sided relationship. You can build a better, stronger relationship (and faster) by interacting with your subscribers on social networks, via email, on forums and similar places. Getting in touch with your subscribers in more natural way just like their friends would; will get them to feel like they know you. It also opens up a way for you to know what they think, and indeed their most pressing needs. As you get to know their real needs, you start to give them real solutions to real problems. From there on, you are the one to trust and buy from.

This is just the tip of the list-building iceberg. But it goes without mentioning that among other things, using an autoresponder series, keeping in touch with your subscribers and interacting with them will go a long way towards improving the trust of your subscribers as well as the profitability of your list.

List Segmentation Strategies   Build That List   List Building Techniques for Coaches - The Secret to Boosting Your Sign Up Rate   Magical Attraction Marketing Secrets   

How To Choose A Patent Lawyer

Nowadays, the world is crawling with people who would want to steal from you, and they can steal anything, from your money to your intellectual properties. Although there are so many considerations that one needs to make, it is still a must to keep track of whatever invention or ideas you have today. Application for provisional patent, for instance, helps so many brilliant inventors protect their creative ideas or inventions against anybody who tries to copy them without their legal consent.

Filing for provisional patent entails a lot of things to be done. However, with the right patent lawyer, all probable problems in the future may certainly be addressed. Although it may be very critical to choose the right attorney along the way, with a little enlightenment from friends, relatives and colleagues, one can surely find an excellent patent attorney who can expedite the application process.

The following list of vital considerations to be made when choosing a patent lawyer can be used. Here are the basic guidelines on how to select a patent lawyer before submitting your application:

1. Scout online. It is good to browse the Internet and look for a credible patent lawyer. If in doubt, there are many resources you can use to test the ability and skills of your soon-to-be lawyer. You may ask previous clients or better yet, ask for personal references to attest to this professional's efficiency.

2. Ask your business partners. It will be good to know someone who can help you sort out your search. Ask several people in the business industry -a close friend or business partners - to help you find the best legal consultant around. You may ask them questions to solidify your concern pertaining to your needs.

3. Compare professional fees. In case of monetary values, since we know that applying for a patent is quite costly, it may be a great advantage if you can compare several professional quotes before choosing one lawyer. You can exercise your liberty to bargain if your financial resources are limited.

4. Look for credibility and efficiency. The way to get a credible and effective attorney is to ask for the opinion of the lawyer's previous clients. Doing this might feel awkward in some ways, because this may mean that you doubt this lawyer's services. However, if you can discuss matters as professionally as possible, then you may be clarified on some of the issues that you may raise.

Protecting Your Invention From Illegal Claims - Provisional Patent   Patent FAQ: How Can Technology Entrepreneurs Avoid USPTO Backlog Using Accelerated Examination?   Using Inducement of Infringement to Protect Patent Rights   How To Patent An Idea - Patenting Will Increase Your Idea's Value   

Learning How to Get a Patent on Your Product

Are you interested in learning how to get a patent on a product? If you have an idea for a new product, pulling all of these needed pieces together can be a bit daunting. One option is to hire a patent attorney that will eliminate the need to find the information necessary to discover how to get a patent. The lawyer will be able to answer all of your questions and assist you when it comes to filing the patent application. Many people, though, will choose to do this process on their own.

Below are some of the steps inventors need to go over when attempting to realize the goal of how to get a patent on a product.

Firstly, you will need to be sure that your product will qualify for a patent. This criteria covers the fact that your invention idea is new and innovative. It must not be the same as any previous product invented.

Throughout the process of bringing your new product to market, you'll want to keep very detailed records about the invention and the changes that you've made to it along the way. This may include some type of drawing and for an actual physical product, it would be best to have a prototype developed beforehand.

You also will want to be sure that you are making sound business decisions before you spend a great deal of money on the patent application and development of your product. This includes some good initial market research and assessment of the selling potential of your product.

You will want to conduct a very thorough search of all existing patents to be certain that you are not patenting an invention that already exists. You can begin this research online and you may also want to visit a Patent and Trademark Depository Library to check on earlier patents that have been submitted.

The actual patent should also execute functionality and accomplish what it's meant to do. Additionally, the actual patent on invention should provide brand new and non-obvious benefits when compared with recognized procedures. For instance, replacing one particular material for an additional material within an invention or altering the dimension is typically not reasons for patentability.

Though the steps to learning how to get a patent on a product can seem overwhelming at first, it really is a matter of just taking it one step at a time to achieve your ultimate dream of bringing your product to market.

Protecting Your Invention From Illegal Claims - Provisional Patent   Patent FAQ: How Can Technology Entrepreneurs Avoid USPTO Backlog Using Accelerated Examination?   Using Inducement of Infringement to Protect Patent Rights   How To Patent An Idea - Patenting Will Increase Your Idea's Value   The Software Patent Process   

The Maremma: Alpine Sheep Herder

The Maremma Sheepdog is native to the Italian Alps. This is a breed that has an extraordinary capability of working in the higher altitudes. For many hundreds of years, the life of the sheep, the shepherds and the Maremma dog that guarded the flock was structured on the seasons. From June to October the flocks would be moved to the high country in the mountains of Abruzzi and from October to June they would go down to the plains and rolling pastures of Maremma. The job of the Maremma historically has been that of a livestock protector and herding dog, being of great value to the Italian peasants as they moved their flocks of mountain goats and sheep through the high alpine pastures, not only herding but also protecting the flock from predators. The Maremma has the capability of working independently as a flock protector and is noted for its high intelligence. A few of the dogs stayed behind as farm protectors and gradually the Maremma also became known as the large white dog who frequented the fine homes of Tuscany as a companion and watchdog.

The Maremma is a large white dog with profuse and abundant coat. One might confuse the dog with the Pyrenees or the Kuvasz, excerpt that the head of the Maremma is much larger in proportion to the body and in fact is very like that of the Polar bear, conical in shape and massive. In general, of the large white dogs that are the herding dogs of central Europe and the Alps, the Maremma is probably the breed that exhibits the most independent thinking and is one of the dogs considered to be a very protective dog, working in the dual role as flock guard and herder. The Maremma is a large breed, standing 24 inches at the withers, with a heavy coat that is all white with perhaps a shade of ivory or biscuit on the ears. The coat needs to be regularly groomed. The correct coat should be weather resistant, providing protection from the sun and the cold, this is a dog that should not be shaved.

The Maremma has always been around people, though its existence has been solitary it is a breed that will not do well without a human to protect or work alongside. This is a dog that strives to work for its master but also can be a difficult dog for simple obedience commands, since it is a "thinker" and will become bored with repetition. They are extremely loyal, considered to be a one person dog, devoted and protective yet proud and dignified. This is a dog that requires a knowledgeable owner, since it is not inclined to be subservient but is more likely to be somewhat stubborn and strong willed.

The Maremma: Alpine Sheep Herder   The Maremma: Alpine Sheep Herder   

HPS Ballast

When you are looking for high quality, long lasting lights, HPS Ballast is the one to choose for all of your lighting application needs. For all HID lighting sources, the High Pressure Sodium unit is the one to choose.

Ballast HPS lights are used most prominently for outdoor lighting, such as parking lots, street lights and other prominent outdoor lighting needs. They come in different wattages so they can meet specific demands. From 1000 Watt HPS to 600 Watt HPS Ballast to 400 Watt HPS Ballast, your outdoor lighting needs can be met with these fine products.

The reason why Ballast HPS lights are so efficient and used in so many different places is their unique high pressure sodium design for maximum efficiency. For HID sources, only low pressure sodium designs last longer, but the versatility of the HPS unit is certainly unique along with the low affordable cost. The long lasting design is perfect for lighting projects that are high up or in remote places where changing the light would be problematic. This is why premium brands of HPS Ballast lights are so desired.

Most of the HID applications that Ballast HPS lights will be used is for those with core and coil ballast, this means that high tolerances to heat and different voltages, configurations and environments will apply. Your average parking and street light is exposed to all the elements as well as the variable voltages can occur over time. Usually, the core and coil ballasts include capacitors and ignite devices that are pre-wired into the bulbs themselves. This means that you get a complete system when installing HPS light products.

There are other uses for Ballast HPS products, including electronic ones that are much smaller and integrated into different areas. These tend to be highly efficient, long lasting lights designed to shine brighter, increase power regulation and re-ignite quickly than standard magnetic ballast. However, these applications are rarer than the standard, larger and mostly outdoor uses for these types of lights.

The HPS unit often comes in kits that provide numerous support products that can be used, including the capacitors, surge protectors, ballast boxes and HID sockets along with re-ignite functions. Often, you can purchase either the total kit or the light separately depending on your needs.

Depending on the use you have in mind, the HPS unit comes in a different variety of voltages;

- 1000 Watt HPS Ballast: Perfect for street or parking lights, especially those that are mounted on tall poles to cover a wide area. - 600 Watt HPS Ballast: For smaller areas such as small parking lots or two lane roads, this version still delivers an amazing amount of brightness. - 400 Watt HPS Ballast: For even smaller areas than the 600 Watt version requires and can be used for indoor situations as well. The 400 Watt is still quite luminescent and delivers long lasting illumination.

The HPS light products are well made and manufactured for the job that you have in mind.

Topsoil for Green Lawns   Outdoor Lights for Decoration and Their Uses   Setting Up Your Own Aquaponics System   Ways on How to Grow Mushrooms   

How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche

Depending on how you try to do it, it might take a while to get your own niche information products to sell online. It can take many people weeks or months to write an ebook. If you aren't a writer, this can be a very difficult task. That's why most people never even manage to create their first product. There is a way to get around this obstacle that is difficult for many of us. If you have private label rights (PLR) to a product, the product is already made for you and all you have to do is start marketing it. This article will focus on the advantages of using PLR products as a foundation for your info marketing business.

PLR products give you the right to claim authorship and the right to edit them as you wish. This automatically gets over the biggest hurdle of selling your own product online - which is to actually create it. All PLR products are not created equal though, so if you are going to use t hem, you need to be sure that the quality is high because if you are going to put your name on them you need to make sure you are selling something with useful and well written information. Otherwise, you'll end up shooting yourself in the foot because your name will be associate with poor quality products. But there are plenty of high quality PLR niche information products out there in every niche imaginable.

In order to maximize the benefit you get from a PLR product, it is best to edit it a bit in order to give it the appearance of being 100% unique. That way, you get the double benefit of not having to create a product yourself, along with being perceived in the marketplace as the creator of something unique. Many marketers have made millions selling PLR products without the knowledge of others. The main things you want to change in order to make your product unique are the sales page graphics, a few key points in the sales letter to correspond with any changes you make in the product, the product name and image, and the chapter titles. If these things are different, there really won't be a way to distinguish our product from others unless someone does an extensive comparative analysis of your product and others in the market place. Even if you don't change the product at all, as long as you market it well, you can still make a lot of money, but it will serve you better to make it unique.

Another way to use PLR for your own niche information products is to repurpose it. By repurpose I mean to change its form - so if it is an audio, transcribe it into written form. If it is written, make it into an audio. This is a very powerful method of making PLR content unique, and it also raises the value of a product which will allow you to sell it for more money because you are adding something to the original product for the convenience of the customer.

New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   Info Product Creation in Businesses Today   Hiring Manufacturing Services To Compete In A Cutthroat Industry   Sunless Tanning Products   How to Create Information Products From Scratch Quickly   

How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter

One of the easiest ways to use Twitter and to have regular post is to use a RSS Feed Submitter that will post automatically to Twitter. This saves you a lot of time and will help keep you followers up to date about what is going on with your web page or blog. Let's take a look at two of the best submitters that are on the net at the moment.


Tweetfeed is a simple and easy web page to use. If you have an RSS feed that you generate from your blog or web page you can have Tweetfeed post a notification up to Twitter for you. This means that all you have to do is up date you blog/web page and Tweetfeed will do the rest for you.

With Tweetfeed you can have multiple feeds coming in and all going out to different Twitter accounts. This save a lot of time and energy when you are trying to make money online as you don't have to keep logging in and out of all you accounts just to keep everything updated. Plus Tweetfeed will also allow you to post to other social networking sites.


Ping.FM is very similar to Tweetfeed, however, at the moment they only allow one RSS feed per account. This means that if you want to submit more than one feed you will need to have more than one account. While this can be tedious, Ping.FM does have some other wonderful benefits.

Ping.FM is a great social network submitter. They have nearly 50 different social network sites that you can automatically submit to. This is a great way to make money online as your feed goes out to more people, getting more back links and helping you to raise your profile.

It does not really matter which of the sites you use to promote you RSS feeds. In fact I would suggest using both as they both have great features different from each other.

A word of warning before you rush off. Just submitting RSS feeds to Twitter will get you banned. While submitters will help you to make money online, you still need to show your human face every so often and submit tweets that do not have links in them. A good way to think about all the add-ons for Twitter is, use them for your advantage, just don't abuse them. For more information click the link below.

RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   Syndicating Your Content to Promote Your Small Business   RSS and Its Role in Search Engine Optimization   New eBook Reveals How to Massively Increase RSS Subscribers   Will An RSS Feed Help Your Business Grow?   RSS Feed Submissions   

The Looming Fiscal Cliff

Okay... so here we are, back again with the election behind us. And, as some of you might recall, about a month back my commentary had a piece about how the elections would impact you with Obama vs. Romney.

So now that Obama has won, let me just summarize what I had mentioned a month ago on Obama's likely impact on some key economic issues.

The first thing I spoke about was that Obama will let tax cuts expire - those so called Bush Tax Cuts which expire on December 31, 2012, unless Congress does something to keep them in place. I'd mentioned that Obama wants to raise taxes on those earning over $250,000 and use this additional tax money to reduce the budget deficit. These tax cuts represent roughly $400 billion that could potentially flow to the government along with payroll taxes and higher taxes on investments: dividends, long-term capital gains.

Part of the package with the "sunsetting" of Bush era tax cuts were across the board spending cuts that also go into effect on January 1, 2013 - something called sequestration - that would impact discretionary spending on items like defense spending, and total about $200 billion in reduced government spending - with higher taxes and spending cuts jointly aimed at reducing the budget deficit, balancing the budget and reining in our national debt. These measures are expected to reduce the budget deficit by roughly 50% in 2015 and budget and debt by $7.1 trillion over the next 10 years.

It's this combination of tax increases and spending cuts that everyone's calling the fiscal cliff that goes into effect on January 1, 2013. It's this uncertainty over the fiscal cliff that was one of the causes of the markets' swing sharply lower on November 7, the day after the election.

And the reason everyone's talking about this fiscal cliff is that it's likely to increase the risk of a recession in 2013 if we just let it happen as is. Under a baseline scenario, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) expects GDP growth to go down to 0.5% in 2013 from its current run rate of 1.1% and this contraction in GDP could significantly increase the probability of a recession in the first half of the year. So this "do nothing" scenario is a fearful one for both Main Street and Wall Street because it portends a recession that could hit us while we are only in the early stages of an economic recovery after the mortgage banking crisis of 2008. And economists fear that this could be hard to get out of especially since the world around us is in pretty bad shape too.

Now, none of this is going to be easy. For one, after this election, the Democrats have a firmer grip on the Senate and the Republicans are stronger in the House of Representatives, and neither party appears very willing to strike a compromise. Additionally, our debt ceiling will soon be reached and our lawmakers will have to soon reach some agreement on raising the debt ceiling so we can at least continue to pay our bills as a nation.

And to make matters worse, the European Union recently downgraded its economic forecast for 2013 - it now expects GDP to contract by 0.3% rather than stay flat as was earlier projected. Even strong nations like Germany are now feeling the pain with growth forecasts revised down to 0.8%, less than half of what they were just a few months ago.

The bang opposite scenario is one where the deadline is simply extended - tax cuts are left in place, at least for now, and spending cuts too are deferred - the kick the can down the road scenario. Under this scenario, the CBO expects deficits to remain high and for public debt to increase, indeed shoot up, from 69% of GDP in 2011 to 100% by 2021 and to 190 percent by 2035 - not a pleasant thought. This scenario would give the new government some more time to strike a compromise but would cause significant uncertainty until some decision is reached... and likely increase market volatility with daily swings tied to pieces of good news and bad news, much like what we've been seeing with the European crisis.

Another scenario is one where Republicans and Democrats reach a modest compromise and let some tax cuts expire while retaining others and enforce some spending cuts while ignoring a few others - sort of a give-and-take approach to avoid political confrontation and economic paralysis. Perhaps this is most likely because the electorate - we, the people too, want both parties to collaborate on this one because a slip-back to recession is bad for employees, businesses and governments that get less tax revenues.

And one final scenario is a grand bargain where both parties work in a bipartisan manner to come up with a solid plan that addresses comprehensive fiscal issues including tax cuts and spending cuts, and put us firmly on a path to balancing our budget and reducing our national debt. Gosh that sounds too good to be true, and unfortunately, it's less likely because neither party will substantially agree to give up too much.

This grand compromise is also something that the CEOs of over 80 major U.S. corporations urged lawmakers in Washington to reach to address our nation's fiscal woes.

So as we go into this lame duck session before the new government is inaugurated, my advice to my listeners is that you continue to stay invested through this uncertainty, even Buffett says "hold" right now and seize significant market declines as buying opportunities of companies that will survive all of this over the long run, and not let any volatility over the coming weeks and months shake you off your investment goals.

The Looming Fiscal Cliff   The Looming Fiscal Cliff   

Retirement Business Ideas for the Happy Couple

So, they say that life starts at the age of 40. But for most couples, it is a decade or two closer to their retirement age. Retirement is a touchy subject especially for couples. It sounds good when you are young and working. You want that time to come when you would not have to labor out so heavily and just enjoy the fruits of your hard work. But when you get to that age, you find out that there is not much to do. You become bored from staying at home, baking and watching the games on TV. Slowly, you begin to wish you have something to do together other than eat and sleep. This is where having your own business comes to the rescue.

There are several businesses that a retired couple can venture into. Here are the best of them:

1. Writing- in today's age, even retired couples can turn into writing as both a recreational and a business activity. What, with blogging as a ready option, you can make the most of your free time putting up a website and earning from it. You can write about your daily activities as a retired couple, post an advice column for the youngsters, and make an income from sponsored stories.

2. Food- you can do catering and baking during your free time. Especially if you are the kind of husband-and-wife that enjoys the kitchen together, a food-related business is perfect. You can set up your own restaurant or be on-call caterers. Or, you can create a website and sell your goods per order online. There is no need to make it a big enterprise, just something you can do together for fun and extra income. You even have the option of franchising off an already existing food business so you would not have to worry about startup requirements anymore.

3. Tutoring- so, are you the type of parents who have raised their children through nights of tutoring? That is a great activity to base a business on, actually. You can stay at home and still be productive. Tutoring is an activity mostly done by retired teachers. But even if you are not one, you can still engage in the same business. This requires a generous amount of patience, especially if you would tutor children in their early school ages. You also need to stock up on resources like books, pens, and papers. Overall, though, the financial returns of tutoring are fair enough.

4. Retailing- for the couples who were once into sales, retailing is a great business. In fact, most retired couples choose to put up their own businesses in the form of retail shops that sell books, clothes, shoes, and home care products. Now, this may require more work on your part as there are many factors to consider both in operations and legalities of your business. But it is a business as stable as any, especially if you sell lasting goods like clothes and merchandises. You can also have your shop online, which you can monitor from the comforts of your home.

5. Affiliate marketing through travel agencies- since travel has become the best industry to be in due to more and more people wanting to tour around, affiliate marketing and franchising is now one of the most amazing ways to spend retirement money on. In this business, referrals can help you earn as much as $2,500 for a couple of sales. This can even increase up to $5,000 for the succeeding referrals. All of these, you can get even without leaving the comforts of your home. Affiliate marketing also helps you ensure that your business runs as smoothly and securely as can be because you have a proven system to stick with and a set of guaranteed returns.

Retirement business ideas are abundant nowadays. You can look them up online and start planning even before you reach that actual last day of work. They range from the simplest to the most complex to suit just what you need.

But as always, you have to remember to always go for retirement business ideas that you feel passionately about and that would not require so much from you. This would help you feel good about yourself and your future together. If anything, a good business venture may be just what you need to be happier as a couple.

Master Key to a Happy Retirement: Finding Purpose   Traveling: The Best of Retirement Business Ideas   Traveling: The Best of Retirement Business Ideas   Traveling: The Best of Retirement Business Ideas   

Things You Should Know About Pop Art Paintings History

Pop art was an artistic movement that represented a strong shift from the influence of the abstract expressionism. Pop art paintings brought an original form of making art by introducing techniques of commercial art and everyday life illustrations.

This movement first occurred in Great Britain in the late 1950s and it was meant to be a redefinition of the metaphysical gravity of the abstract expressionism. Pop art paintings were mainly characterized by the insertion of everyday life images of soup cans, comic strips, Coke bottles or even stuffed animals into the artistic expression. The expressed aim of the pop art paintings was to provide a meeting point for artists and public. Inserting commercial art symbols in their work, the artists intended to blur the boundaries between art and common people in order to make art ideas accessible for everyone.

The birth of this art movement during the 1950s-1960s wasn't a coincidence. Artists were getting tired of the inwardness and opacity of the abstract expressionism; the American society (and the British one, but on a less extent) was enjoying deep changes in terms of economic revival after the constraints of the Second World War. Therefore, the artist community mocked the shallowness and the materialism of the Americans, employing symbols of mass culture (Coke cans, magazines or comic strips) in their pop art paintings.

The artists who had embraced this art style used different symbols: American flags (Jasper Johns), comic strips (Roy Lichtenstein) and soup cans (Andy Warhol) or stuffed animals (Robert Rauschenberg).

Pop art paintings also represented icons of the artists' reaction against the dullness and complexity of the abstract expressionism. Abstract techniques were replaced with more accessible ones like humor or surface appearance. The central idea of this art movement was to express messages to the mass by transforming the ordinary things into art objects.

Although the pop art stream was very popular among the layman public, it was highly controversial among the art critics community. Some considered pop art paintings as cheap, tacky imitations of everyday life symbols; others regarded them as icons of the shallow American society at mid-century.

Nevertheless, this art movement represented a breath of vivid, fresh air in an art characterized until then by opacity and seriousness.

Acrylic Paints are Different From Oil Painting   Acrylic Paints are Different From Oil Painting   Vincent Van Gogh, the Tragic Story of a Brilliant Painter   

Oops, You Mean Obamacare Doesn't Lower Healthcare Costs? My Bad

A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing another mistake.


Radiologists don't make any more mistakes than anyone else, but unlike many other fields, our errors are memorialized forever on the film (or hard drive).

Thus, confronting your mistakes, in front of others, becomes an integral part of being a Radiologist. People can respond by appreciating reality and admitting they are wrong, or hem and haw, and attempt somehow to make something obvious to everyone, disappear.

For a few of my colleagues, admitting error was a far more difficult task than denying the truth of what was clearly displayed in front of them. I have decided people like this become politicians.

A similar situation is now occurring with the proponents of Obamacare, and the responses will be quite telling of the charactering and integrity of all involved. A new study [Heavey, 2010], performed by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) auditors, predicts that Obamacare will not lower medical costs and may increase them. This is a direct refutation of the promises so recently made to us by President Obama, Congressional leaders, and other proponents of Obamacare. The health care bill was supposed to increase coverage and lower costs, promises immediately questioned by this writer and many others. Such promises were based upon clearly flawed analysis and wishful thinking.

The fact that the bill will not lower costs was inevitable. What is more interesting is how the President and Congressional leaders will react. Will they have the integrity to say "we passed the bill with the best of intentions, but were so intent on getting something passed we fudged the numbers to make it look better" or "the pressure from my union and big business donors was so great that I had to vote for it, no matter what"?

We will see. My guess is that the more likely outcome will be silence from Pelosi and Reid until they lose their leadership positions in Congress, and then they will blame things on the other party.

President Obama does not have it so easy. He will have at least two more years to again confront the staggering difficulties of health care reform while facing a new Congressional leadership. Will he cling to the mistaken assumptions and flawed analysis used to sell Obamacare, or will he be open to admitting the errors and really try to fix some very complex problems? Time will tell us much about the integrity of the man as well as what kind of health care we will have in the future.

Susan Heavey, "U.S. health reforms cause bump in spending: Report," Reuters, September 9, 2010

Obama Saves Medicare? Maybe Not.   5 Things to Consider When Selecting the Right Medical Billing Service   Health Insurance Leads Information   How Communications Affects the Relationship Between a Provider and a Medical Billing Service   

Why Choose Vacation Home Rentals Over Hotels?

When you take a vacation, you probably want to get away with every day stressors both from work and at your house. Would it be nice to be somewhere you can freely lounge around without anyone bothering you? Being away can easily do that especially when you choose to take a break far away. However, with hotels being too pricey for your budget and the chaotic environment brought about by other vacationers do you think you can relax?

This is why vacation house rentals come in handy. Vacation rentals are furnished homes that can be rented out for a short period of time. Unlike hotels and motels that have a lot of limitations on their set of amenities, vacation rentals gives you a homey atmosphere with everything inside the house available for you to use as if you own the place.

Other benefits of staying in a vacation home are the following:

They are unique in a way that no two vacation houses are alike. Each home boasts of its own personality without the standard decors that a hotel has. You can conveniently search for vacation rentals by owner so that you can match the house with the personality of the one who lives on it. You have more privacy during your dream vacations. You never have to listen to other guests walking up and down the corridors, or have snotty hotel staff looking at you from afar. You also have more space to move around compared with that of a hotel room. It's easier to stay together when you are having a group vacation. Unlike hotels where you have to rely on the availability of rooms, vacation homes let you stay together as a group which multiplies the fun during dream vacations. You do not have to worry for pricey room service and expensive menus. With a vacation home, you can order take out and have it delivered right into your doorstep. Kinda the same with having room service yet more economical. Vacation homes are pretty much cheaper than a hotel room. It may seem to cost much at the start but considering the amenities and other perks that goes with it, you can definitely tell the big difference in price.

Today, there are more vacation homes that are being rented out for vacationers. You only have to look them up from vacation rental sites that offers match up services for you to have a vacation house that will make you feel at ease. You can even do a search on your own and have searched for vacation rentals by owner, by location, price, and other parameters to your liking.

You do not have to worry about being unhappy with a vacation home. All you need to do is to look for a vacation home that follows the standards of the Vacation Room Managers Association so that you can be rest assured that your chosen vacation home is safe, secure, well- maintained, clean, and most of all, very accommodating.

Why Choose Vacation Home Rentals Over Hotels?   Miami Luxury Real Estate Options For High-Net-Worth Individuals: Golden Beach Homes   

Things To Keep In Mind With Custom Home Remodeling

Custom home remodeling can transform even a luxury home from "just okay" to "absolutely amazing" for guests as well as the owners. There are a number of different remodels that can be done, but it's important to keep a few things in mind during the process. By considering all the details the remodel will be sure to turn out just how the owner wanted it to. Here are some of the most important things to think about when remodels are under way:

1. Budget

It can be extremely easy to lose track of a budget when remodeling projects are being done. This could be due to problems with construction, extra material costs or a number of other things. It's important to write down all expenses as they build up in order to keep track of how much everything is costing. It's also important to come up with a budget before the construction ever starts. A $50,000 project can easily double or triple in price if the homeowner isn't paying attention to expenses.

2. Trusting the Builder

Homeowners need to make sure they absolutely trust the builder they are working with. This doesn't mean they trust them just to make sure the house turns out looking good; it also means they trust that they can make smart purchasing decisions. There are a lot of different remodel professionals out there to choose from. It's important to research different companies and compare them to find which is the most trustworthy. Doing so can result in finding a great builder to work with.

Another part of trusting the builder is making sure to work out details with them. The builder and the homeowner should both have the same vision in mind when it comes to the remodel. Plans made ahead of time are essential in order for any build to be successful.

3. Choices

Owners have a lot of choices when it comes to remodeling their luxury home. If they plan to move in the future, they need to make sure they make changes that will benefit them. The remodel should increase the value of the home and make it more attractive to future buyers. If the owner chooses remodels that aren't attractive to most people, they might be hurting their chances of a sale in the future. The changes can still make the home unique, but they have to be attractive to other buyers if there is a chance the owner will move in the future.

4. Needs

The needs of a homeowner will change as the years pass. Remodeling should reflect the needs that they have, whether they are current or for in the future. For example, an owner might choose to have an extra room put in for a baby. They could also choose to have a master bathroom built in order to make their master bedroom more attractive. There are a number of things owners can have done inside their home to make it work better for their needs. There's no reason to pay for remodels if they aren't going to provide the owner with some added benefits.

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